Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dogs & allergies!

Allergies are still a problem this fall for dogs & cats.

We have had a very warm September & heat, humidity and pollens all contribute to itchy pets. This time of year many dogs itch & scratch from flea and pollen allergies. Fleas are much easier to prevent than to eradicate. Frontline or Trifexis should be used monthly until November or December this year, even if you don't have a flea problem. The best way to keep fleas away is monthly prevention on all pets in the household (including the indoor cats). If you get fleas, then you have a bigger battle: the house is the nidus for the flea infestation & treatments such as sprays or bombs are needed to kill flea eggs & larva. The pets may need additional treatments with Frontline or Capstar to break the cycle.

Dogs also itch this time of year from tree pollens & other inhaled allergens. We can't eradicate pollen from their lives, but we can limit exposure with less trips outside and frequent baths to remove topical exposure. Many dogs with pollen allergies must see the vet for antihistamines or steroids to stop the itching. Pets often get secondary infection & need treatment with antibiotics or antifungals. In most cases, we need to collect material from the pet's skin & check it under the microscope to find out the most effective medications.

So, if your dog or cat is itching like crazy, call us for an appointment! 515-262-8535.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post! My dog gets spring time allergies every year. It's good to know how I can help him get over his allergies for next spring. I didn't realize that I should use flea and pollen solutions for my pet until November or December. That's good information to keep in mind. Thanks for the information!
